The Spatial Portal will remember a previous set of (environmental) layers where there is an option to select multiple layers, as in most of the analysis tools and for adding layers to the map.
Any set of environmental layers can be uploaded, pasted, or downloaded for later use. The ‘Short name’ of the layer is used for brevity. See About Short Names »
Layer Set Options
- Choose to use the pre-set 5 most independent terrestrial layers for analysis. More info »
- Upload a set of names of layers using the layer ‘Short name’. More info »
- Paste in a list a set of names of layers using the layer ‘Short name’. More info »
- Use a search field to find and select layers. More info »
- Download a set of selected ‘Short name’ layers as a text file. More info »
- Allow the system (via a cookie) to remember up to 20 of the user’s latest layer sets. More info »
About Short Names for Layers
Layer Short names are used to select environmental layers in the upload, download, and paste in a set of layers. (They are also used behind the scenes in the layer cookie and the best 5 terrestrial layers).
To see a list of all the ‘Short name’ (column four) layers, click on the layers link in the various dialogue boxes (See Example 1, Example 2).
A CSV or JSON layers file can be downloaded for later reference.

Pre-set Five Best Terrestrial Layers

Select the ‘Best 5 layers’ from the pull down list and the layers will be checked. The user can continue to select / deselect layers.
Import/Upload Short Name Layer Set

Press the ‘Upload set’ button, browse to find the text file, and matching layers will be selected. The user can continue to select / deselect layers.

Paste in Short Name Layers

Select the ‘paste a layer set’ from the pull down list. The ‘Paste in a layer list’ dialogue box comes up.

Press the ‘Next’ button and the layers will be imported. The user can continue to select / deselect layers.

Add from Search field

The ‘Add from search’ field is an auto-complete select box. Partially typing in the Layer’s name or Short name will reduce the available selection. Click on the desired layer in the pull down list and the layer will be checked.
The user can continue to select / deselect layers.
Download a Layer Set

Press the ‘Download set’ button to save a text file with a set of comma-delimited ‘Short name’ environmental layers.

This ‘Short name’ set can be later Uploaded to reselect the same set.
Choose a Previous Layer Set

Select the ‘My Sampling’ set from the pull down list and the layers will be checked. The user can continue to select / deselect layers.