The ALA Advisory Board supports the high-level direction and delivery of the ALA by providing vision, advocacy and advice. It provides advice to the ALA Director consistent with CSIRO’s ongoing delivery of national research infrastructure on behalf of the nation, as well as the principles guiding the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy. The Advisory Board meets three times per year and all members are appointed for two years with the possibility of extending the term.

ALA Advisory Board updates:

ALA Advisory Board


Mr Ron Avery
Senior Team Leader
Biodiversity Information Systems, NSW DCCEEW 


Dr Kate Brandis
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Ecosystem Science, UNSW


Dr Catherine Byrne (ex-officio)
Senior Curator (Zoology)
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery


Prof David Cantrill (Chair)(ex-officio)
Executive Director Science
Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria


Dr Bek Christensen (ex-officio)
Programs Director, Peter Cullen Trust
Representative, Ecological Society of Australia


Dr Robyn Cleland


Ms Marlee Hutton
Regional Ecologist
Kimberley Land Council


Ms Margie Jenkin
Environmental Program Manager – Nature
Australian Environmental Grant Makers Network


Ms Toni Moate (ex-officio)
Director, National Collections and Marine
Infrastructure, CSIRO


Dr Rebecca Pirzl (ex-officio)
Branch Head, Science & Australian National
Botanic Gardens, Department of Climate
Change, Energy, the Environment and Water


Dr Stephen van Leeuwen
BHP/Curtin Indigenous Professor in
Biodiversity & Environmental Science,
Curtin University


Dr Andre Zerger (ex-officio)
Atlas of Living Australia