Protecting Australia’s restricted access plants and animals through better data access Posted on 21st June 2023 Launching the National Framework for the Sharing of Restricted Access Species Data and the Restricted Access Species Data Service for Australia
National Science Week 2023 Posted on 20th June 2023 We’re gearing up for National Science Week (12-20 August 2023). The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is proud to be hosting three free virtual events…
Where to find the Atlas of Living Australia this year Posted on 16th June 2023 With so many events happening in 2023, here's a list of where you'll find the Atlas of Living Australia!
Celebrating International Day for Biological Diversity with the AU Biodiversity Heritage Library Posted on 22nd May 2023 How would you look up information on species and natural history? Would you do a Google search or visit your local library? How about checking out the…
There’s a snake in my code! Introducing ALA’s {galah} Python extension Posted on 1st May 2023 We’ve just launched an open-access Python extension for the Atlas of Living Australia’s {galah} tool to help you better access our species data.
ALA Webinar: Advances in Genomics and Biological Collections Posted on 30th March 2023 Collections specimens are valuable resources in genomics as they provide a historical record of the diversity of life on earth. By analysing the DNA a…
Introducing the ALA’s Biosecurity Hub Posted on 23rd March 2023 The one stop-shop for Australian biosecurity data, project, and partner information.
Taxonomist Appreciation Day Posted on 20th March 2023 Taxonomists work in the field of biological classification, and their work is critical to ensuring we can understand and protect Australian species in…