The Atlas has upgraded their biocache Posted on 9th September 2011 The Atlas of Living Australia is pleased to announce that they have upgraded their Atlas’ biocache. So what is the biocache, you might ask? It…
Beauty from nature: art of the Scott sisters Posted on 30th August 2011 An exhibition featuring illustrations of butterflies, moths, caterpillars and plants by Harriet and Helena Scott, two of 19th century Australia’s mo…
The Atlas now has over 25 million records Posted on 30th August 2011 The recent addition of 1.2 million records from the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) Garden Bird Surveys data set brings the grand total of Atlas r…
GBIF and ALA help map plants used in Aboriginal medicine Posted on 30th August 2011 The innovative use of data accessible through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) may help to identify areas of high cultural value, b…
ALA dives deeper into the marine realm Posted on 17th August 2011 The ALA is diving deeper into the marine realm with more than 900 new images of Australian coral species from ‘Charlie’ Veron. To see t…
IdentifyLife launched at the International Botanical Congress Posted on 28th July 2011 Atlas of Living Australia Media Release “The beginning of wisdom is to call a thing by its right name.” Chinese proverb IdentifyLife was launched…
What’s living in your street? The Atlas of Living Australia will tell you. Posted on 28th July 2011 Atlas of Living Australia Media Release What’s living in your street? The Atlas of Living Australia will tell you. Within 5 km of News Limited in Ho…
The Australian node of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is now live! Posted on 15th July 2011 The ALA is proud to launch the Australian node of the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), a web-based tool that gives researchers and others access …
Collecting expedition in the Simpson Desert Day 7 Posted on 13th July 2011 Camp Day 7 and travel days (July 8th to 11th) By Paul Flemons, Australian Museum Tip: Hover mouse over photo to see the caption. Click on photos to se…