Deathcaps – hitchhikers rather than malicious Posted on 19th February 2012 By Sapphire McMullan-Fisher, ALA Fungimap Project Manager The recent wet summer in Canberra led to tragic consequences when a meal mistakenly containi…
Dr John La Salle appointed Director of the Atlas of Living Australia Posted on 14th February 2012 Dr John La Salle will take on the role as the Atlas’ Director for the next 18 months. John has been involved in the Atlas from its inception an…
Zookeys Jubilee Issue No. 150, “e-Infrastructures for Data Publishing in Biodiversity Science” Posted on 6th December 2011 ZooKeys recently published its special jubilee Issue No. 150 “e-Infrastructures for Data Publishing in Biodiversity Science“, comprised of…
Where is the ALA up to? Posted on 16th November 2011 The Atlas of Living Australia has just released its mid-session report to partners; providing a summary of the project’s components and activi…
GBIF data help clarify links between environment and species composition Posted on 15th November 2011 Study used over 300,000 mammal records from US to assess importance of climate, land cover on species presence at various scales MEDIA RELEASE: For im…
Two Biodiversity Informatics Colleagues Passed Away Posted on 1st November 2011 The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is sorry to announce the sad news that two of our close overseas colleagues in biodiversity informatics have passe…
The Atlas has upgraded their biocache Posted on 9th September 2011 The Atlas of Living Australia is pleased to announce that they have upgraded their Atlas’ biocache. So what is the biocache, you might ask? It…
Beauty from nature: art of the Scott sisters Posted on 30th August 2011 An exhibition featuring illustrations of butterflies, moths, caterpillars and plants by Harriet and Helena Scott, two of 19th century Australia’s mo…
The Atlas now has over 25 million records Posted on 30th August 2011 The recent addition of 1.2 million records from the Canberra Ornithologists Group (COG) Garden Bird Surveys data set brings the grand total of Atlas r…