Check out our 2023 Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) conference line-up below. We will continue to update our schedule throughout the year, so make sure you check back!
Ecological Society of Australia conference | Darwin | 3-7 July 2023
The ALA will be both sponsoring and attending ESA 2023, with team members facilitating the following sessions:
1. EcoAssets: streamlining access to data from Australian environmental research infrastructures (Shandiya Balasubramaniam)
2. How to make a sharable code workflow for reproducible and efficient science: Learnings from {galah} and ALA Labs (Dax Kellie).

The XXIIIrd International Congress of Genetics conference | Melbourne | 16-21 July 2023
The ALA will be attending this event and team members will be available at the Australian BioCommons booth. We will be introducing the Australian Reference Genome Atlas data app via a scientific poster and demonstrations of an early release of a demonstration product.

PULiiMA Indigenous Language and Technology Conference | Darwin | 21-25 August 2023
The ALA will be both sponsoring and attending the PULiiMA conference, with Nat Raisbeck Brown presenting the following sessions:
– Growing the Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Network for plants and animals
– Language as the key to growing reciprocity and respect between Indigenous peoples and the Australian science community
– Gadji Gadji Garden – creating safe spaces to collect, protect and share Indigenous language and knowledge about plants and animals
– Linking language and cross-cultural knowledge of animals and plants of South East Arnhem Land to Western science knowledge through the Atlas of Living Australia.

Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) | Hobart | 9-13 October 2023
In partnership with CSIRO’s National Research Collections Australia (NRCA), the ALA will be hosting the Biodiversity Information Standards TDWG conference. TDWG sets and evolves international standards such as Darwin Core that make the work that ALA and our partners do possible. In addition to TDWG’s focus on biodiversity informatics, science applications of biodiversity data will feature prominently at this conference.
Check out where to find the ALA team:
Opening and closing:
Ely Wallis is the co-chair of the conference and is moderating the opening and closing sessions
MONDAY 9 October
Niels Klazenga: The Catalogue of Life Data Package (CoLDP) and the Taxon Concept Standard (TCS): A Comparison https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.110965 Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 12:45 PM – 01:00 PM (AEDT)
And Niels also: Improved Sharing and Linkage of Taxonomic Data with the Taxon Concept Standard (TCS) https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112045
Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 05:15 PM – 05:30 PM (AEDT)
Simon Sherrin Insights into Delivering a Robust and Comprehensive Names Classification for a Living Atlas Using Diverse Taxonomic Sources https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.111331 Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 03:01 PM – 03:15 PM
Jeff Christiansen and Kathryn Hall: Biodata Infrastructure within Australia and Beyond: Landscapes and horizons https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112274 Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 03:01 PM – 03:15 PM. The speaker will be Jeff
And Kathryn also: The Australian Reference Genome Atlas (ARGA): Finding, sharing and reusing Australian genomics data in an occurrence-driven context https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112129 Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 03:15 PM – 03:30 PM
Peggy Newman Building Software for Hierarchical Events in Biodiversity Informatics https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.111770 Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 03:30 PM – 03:45 PM (AEDT)
Donald Hobern Global Lepidoptera Index: Progress and Issues with Developing a Comprehensive Global Checklist of Moths and Butterflies https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.111328 Mon, Oct 09, 2023, 04:00 PM – 04:15 PM
Tuesday 10 October
Nicole Kearney: Celebrating BHL Australia through the Eye of the (Tasmanian) Tiger https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112352 Tue, Oct 10, 2023, 09:01 AM – 09:15 AM (AEDT)
Thursday 12 October
Peter Brenton Measuring Habitat Restoration using the Darwin and Event Cores: Australian examples powered by BioCollect https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112083 Thu, Oct 12, 2023, 11:01 AM – 11:15 AM
Andrew Turley and Erin Roger: Invasions, Plagues, and Epidemics: The Atlas of Living Australia’s deep dive into biosecurity https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112127 Thu, Oct 12, 2023, 11:15 AM – 11:30 AM (AEDT)
Session organisers:
MONDAY 9 October
Peggy Newman with US colleagues Abby Benson and Steve Formel: SYM04 The CARE principles: Learning and growing as a data management community Monday 9 October 1130–1300
Lee Belbin, Arthur Chapman PD01 Data quality: Lessons and directions (panel discussion) Monday 9 October 1130–1300
Cameron Slatyer, Andrew Rodrigues, Tania Laity WKSH03 Handling restricted access data in an open data landscape (workshop) Monday 9 October 1700–1830
Olaf Bánki, Thomas Orrell, Donald Hobern SYM12 Improving the quality of taxonomic data publishing and list building Monday 9 October 1130–1300, 1500–1630 (2 sessions)
Chuck Cook, Kathryn Hall, Jeff Christiansen SYM10 Global biodata resources: A crucial infrastructure underpinning biodiversity research Monday 9 October 1500–1630
Thursday 12 October
Francisco Pando and Javier Molina SYM11 Combining biodiversity and environmental data for addressing scientific and societal questions Thursday 12 October 1100–1230
Peggy Newman, Javier Molina and colleagues outside ALA Vicente J. Ruiz Jurado, Anne-Sophie Archambeau, Francisco Pando, Sophia Ratcliffe SYM07 Ten Years of the Living Atlases Thursday 12 October 1630–1815
Erin Roger and Andrew Turley: SYM01 Biosecurity data: Why does it matter and how can access be facilitated? Thursday 12 October 1100–1230
Kathryn Hall WKSH04 Working session to develop genomics-specific extensions with the Darwin Core event model (workshop) Thursday 12 October 1430–1600

WA Biodiversity Conference 2023 | Perth | 10-12 October 2023
Amanda Buyan from the ALA Science and Decision Support team will be facilitating 2x workshops on {galah} at this event.

GB30 – Global Biodiversity Information Standards | Canberra | 15-20 October 2023
The ALA and our biological collections partners in CSIRO have successfully bid to host the 2023 meeting of the Governing Board in Australia. We welcome the opportunity to bring together international delegates to Canberra to share knowledge, data practises and biodiversity information together.

eResearch Australasia 2023 | Brisbane | 16-20 October 2023
The ALA will be sponsoring eResearch Australasia, with a booth presence on the conference floor in collaboration with the Australian Reference Genome Atlas (ARGA). The ALA will also be giving a joint presentation with Amazon Web Services (AWS).