The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) champions open science and fosters collaboration with data providers, users, and the broader biodiversity community. We actively connect with researchers, policymakers, and the public through engaging outreach programs and external events. With many exciting domestic and international events in the second half of 2024 on the horizon, here’s a list of where you’ll be able to find the ALA team!

29 July – 1 August – Australasian Vertebrate Pest Conference
Hosted in Sydney, this event is a keystone conference for discussing the latest innovation and research in the vertebrate pest management sector. This conference is delivered in partnership with the NSW Department of Primary Industries, NSW Local Land Service and NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service.

25 – 29 August – Australasian Weeds Conference
Invasive Species Queensland is collaborating with the Council of Australasian Weed Societies (CAWS) in hosting the 23rd Australasian Weeds Conference at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre.

27-29 August – Biosecurity Symposium
The ALA is a co-session sponsor at this event. This symposium is a flagship event of the Biosecurity Collective – a shared initiative consisting of Animal Health Australia (AHA), Invasive Species Council (ISC), Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) and Plant Health Australia (PHA) intended to influence the direction of Australia’s biosecurity system towards 2030, particularly in engaging all Australians in building a stronger biosecurity system and building a mass biosecurity movement. This event will be hosted at Sea World on the Gold Coast.

27-29 August – Dangkal Gwo’yal-wa First Nations Land and Water Forum
The Australian Government is pleased to present the 2024 First Nations Land and Water Management Forum (Dangkal Gwo’yal-wa) Forum to be held on Larrakia Country (Darwin), bringing together First Nations land and water managers from across Australia to celebrate and showcase their achievements looking after Country.

2-6 September – SPNHC and TDWG joint conference
The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) and the Biodiversity information Standards (TDWG) conference will be held in Okinawa, Japan this year.
- SPNHC is an international organisation devoted to the preservation, conservation and management of natural history collections.
- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) develops and maintains data standards that support the integration of primary biodiversity information across disciplines, organizations, and nations. Its annual conference has become a preeminent forum for advancing biodiversity informatics.

8-13 September – Trematodes 2024
The ALA is a sponsor of this event. This inaugural international meeting for the trematodology community brings together trematode researchers from around the world to discuss taxonomy, evolution, life cycles, physiology, ecology and biogeography. This event will be hosted at the Queensland Museum, Brisbane.

30 September – 4 October – GB31
The 31st meeting of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) Governing Board will be held in Portugal.
The GBIF Governing Board meets in a different Participant country each year. The meeting is organised by the GBIF Secretariat in collaboration with the hosting country. The formal proceedings of the Board are associated with several other events at the same location, including meetings of nodes, standing committees, training events and the annual Science Symposium.’

10 – 11 October – Australian Land Conservation Alliance (ALCA) Private Land Conservation Conference
The ALA is a sponsor of this event. Now in its 8th year, ALCA’s annual Private Land Conservation Conference (PLC24) is Australia’s premier land conservation event. This year’s theme is Nature Now: Action for People and Planet and will be a vital platform for exploring barriers and opportunities to accelerate and expand nature action and finance. PLC24 is a two-day program of workshops, plenaries and concurrent sessions with an exciting line-up of Australian and international speakers.

28 October – 1 November – eResearch Australasia
Hosted by Australasian eResearch Organisations (AeRO) Inc., the conference (hosted in Melbourne this year), is for those interested in eResearch and actively transforming research via information technology. The conference provides an exciting opportunity for delegates to engage, connect and share their ideas and exemplars concerning new information-centric research capabilities, and how ICT technologies can help researchers to collaborate, collect, manage, share, process, analyse, find, understand, and reuse information.

9-13 December – Ecological Society of Australia (ESA)
The ALA is a sponsor of this event. The conference of the Ecological Society of Australia (ESA 2024) will be held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. ESA 2024 will be an in-person conference but a limited number of online options will be offered, including live-streamed plenaries, some live-streamed symposia and some of the presentations being made available online after the conference.