Taxonomic Database Working Group (TDWG), the international biodiversity information standards organisation, will hold its annual conference at the Western Australian Maritime Museum, Perth, 19-25 October 2008. This conference will bring together a wide range of biologists and informaticians with interest in managing biodiversity data for use across the web.
A full day symposium on the Atlas of Living Australia will take place on Wednesday 22 October. The morning will be devoted to presentations on current biodiversity informatics activity in Australia and to a set of presentations on the Atlas itself. The afternoon will be used for workshops to review some of the user needs that have been identified for the Atlas and to identify ways to bring the necessary data online and to develop the tools and interfaces to make it accessible. This will be an opportunity for those involved in the Atlas and in Australian institutions to benefit from TDWG’s international expertise.
Other sessions of interest include training in the use of TDWG tools and standards on the Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning.
For more information, and the draft agenda, see the TDWG conference website. We encourage you to come along and learn more about global activity in biodiversity informatics.