Nominations are now open for the GBIF 2022 Young Researchers Award. This award is an annual program aimed at fostering and recognising innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics.

The 2022 programme will provide a pair of €5,000 prizes (approx. AUD7,500) recognising the work of two early-career researchers — preferably, one Masters and one PhD candidate. Nominations are open to Masters and PhD students conducting innovative research using biodiversity data available through GBIF. The Atlas of Living Australia is the Australian node of GBIF, meaning all data in the ALA is also accessible via GBIF.

All applicants need to receive a formal nomination from the heads of delegation and node managers of GBIF Participant countries. This year our team at the Atlas of Living Australia will coordinate the applications from Australian researchers. We will select two nominations to be assessed by the GBIF Science Committee.

Applications to the ALA are due by 30 May 2022.

Illustration of Macrolepiota procera (Scop.) Gray, from Führer für Pilzfreunde (1821) via Biodiversity Heritage Library, no rights reserved under CC0.

How to submit an application (Australian applicants)

  1. Visit the GBIF young researchers award website and follow the instructions. 

  2. Submit your nominations to Jenna Wraith, ALA’s Training and Outreach Coordinator, with ‘GBIF Young Researcher’ in the subject line by 30 May 2022.

Nomination process

Two Australian nominations will be selected for submission to GBIF by the Australian GBIF Delegation in time for the GBIF submission deadline. Please contact for further information if required.

A jury organised by GBIF Science Committee will select the two award recipients from the pool of nominees received from the country delegation by the GBIF Secretariat. The winners will be announced in September/October 2022.

Award nomination packet

Candidates should prepare their proposal and nomination packets to include:

  1. Research summary (200 words)

  2. Project description (maximum 5 pages, 12-point Arial) that describes
    a. The need for the research and the question(s) it addresses.
    b. The role of data accessed through GBIF in addressing these questions. Research proposals must clearly demonstrate how the study incorporates data mobilised through GBIF. Students with questions about GBIF-enabled data should work with academic advisors, their GBIF national node, the GBIF Secretariat or members of the Science Committee to increase their understanding.
    c. The research scope, plan, methodologies, relevant literature citations and timetable.
    d. If relevant, a description or an excerpt from a data management plan that outlines how data related to the research is published or will be prepared for publication through the GBIF network to

  3. Curriculum vitae of the student applicant including full contact information at the home institution.

  4. Supporting documents
    a. An official letter from the student’s faculty mentor/supervisor certifying that the applicant is a student in good standing in the graduate programme of the university.
    b. At least one, and no more than three, letters of support from established researchers active in a field that encompasses and incorporates biodiversity informatics (e.g., genetics, species composition and traits, biogeography, ecology, systematics, et al.)

Further information

Full details, including how to nominate and eligibility criteria, can be found on the GBIF website.