Our friends at WildObs are conducting a review of camera trapping in Australia. This review will help establish a useful synthesis centre devoted to curating vertebrate data. The team are seeking metadata from camera trapping surveys to assist in the project and are offering co-authorship upon receipt of data.
The aim of the project is to generate a modern snapshot of where, how and who is carrying out surveys, including habitats, target species and methods (both deployment and analysis). The project and participant information sheets are below, with a deadline of 15 November 2022 for data submissions.
To participate, please see the below three actions:
1) Complete the questionnaire, including the consent form on the first page.
2) Add basic metadata from your camera trapping surveys
3) Enter your name and affiliation for co-authorship
For more information, contact Tom Bruce (tom.bruce@uq.edu.au) or Matthew Luskin (mluskin@uq.edu.au).