The ALA is Australia’s one-stop-shop for information on our diverse wildlife: you can look up facts, explore species in your area, and view images of species in the wild and specimens in museums. The ALA also enables you to make real contributions to biodiversity science: you can upload observations, help digitise museum collections, and set up your own community biodiversity projects.
Explore & contribute

Explore your area
Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you.

Record a sighting
Upload your observations, identify species, and contribute to the ALA.
Australian iconic species
Browse Australia’s most recognisable species.

Contribute to science by transcribing historical museum records and images.

Create and run your own surveys, capture data in the field, and manage biodiversity, ecological and natural resource management data.
More information
Citizen scientists and volunteers
As a citizen scientist or volunteer, you can contribute to the ALA in a few different ways.
- Record your own sightings of plants, animals or fungi.
- Search the Citizen Science Project Finder to find and participate in a project near you.
- Use DigiVol to help digitise our natural history collections.
Education professionals and students
The ALA’s open-source biodiversity infrastructure is an excellent classroom resource for biology and ecology, as well as data and technology subjects.
- Access ALA user guides.