Researchers includes ecoscientists, taxonomists, collection owners, tertiary students and lecturers.
Explore & contribute
Search and download records
Search occurrence records in the ALA by species, taxon, dataset, region, date, location, data provider…
Search datasets
Search data sets provided to the ALA by collecting institutions, individual collectors and community groups.
Explore your area
Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you.
Install and use our R and Python packages that allows simple access to ALA data, tools and services.
ALA Labs
Experiments in code, data analysis & visualisation using data sourced from the ALA.
Spatial Portal
Map, visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment.
More information
Government and land managers includes federal, state and local government departments, land managers, landowners, rangers, non-government organisations, and environmental consultants.
Explore & contribute
Explore regions
Browse pre-defined state territory, local government areas, biogeographic regions etc, using a map-based biodiversity discovery tool.
Share your data
Upload your biodiversity data to the ALA: occurrence data, images, sound files, genomic data, museum specimens, and more.

Create surveys, capture data in the field, and manage your biodiversity, ecological and natural resource management data.
Spatial Portal
Map, visualise and analyse relationships between species, location and environment.
Community and schools includes citizen scientists, community groups, school students and teachers, and the general public.
Explore & contribute
Explore your area
Enter a street address, GPS coordinates, postcode or place name to find out what species live near you.
Record a sighting
Upload your observations, identify species, and contribute to the ALA.

Contribute to science by transcribing historical museum records and images.

Create surveys, capture data in the field, and manage your biodiversity, ecological and NRM data.